Possible to include JS on page?
I use an e-mail optin service called LeadPages that uses a snippet of Javascript to pop up a lightbox for people to enter their details. Is it possible to include JS on SmugMug pages?
I tried putting an HTML placeholder in the "All Site" footer and pasting it in there but it seemed to get removed every time I saved the site.
This is literally my first time experimenting with SmugMug so I'm a bit green....
I tried putting an HTML placeholder in the "All Site" footer and pasting it in there but it seemed to get removed every time I saved the site.
This is literally my first time experimenting with SmugMug so I'm a bit green....

Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
This is an excellent question. Although we don't allow JavaScript on your site we do have some tools that will allow something like this to work. Wufoo is a popular form tool that we support in the form of a "Content Block." You can setup a Wufoo content block to work with many email newsletter / opt-in services.
I have a MailChimp (similar to LeadPages) newsletter that collects email addresses for me. MailChimp has "Wufoo" support and I've setup a "Newsletter Sign-Up" on my page. Our support hero Tom put together a blog post on how to do this: http://www.tomnovicki.com/blog/how-to-add-a-newsletter-signup-form-to-your-smugmug-site
Do you know if LeadPages has Wufoo support? If not, would you be able to migrate it to something that does, like MailChimp?
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations